пятница, 1 мая 2015 г.

The Rhomboid Muscle

Rhomboids – Movers of the Scapula

What does rhomboids mean?

The Rhomboids are named for their shape.
The name comes from the Greek “rhombos” which refers to the angled parallelogram shape.
The Rhomboids are part of the deep layer of muscles on the back. They are sometimes referred to as the Christmas tree muscles due to their shape.
The rhomboids are located between the scapula and the spine. They run deep to the trapezius.
The rhomboids are divided into a major and minor portion which originate and insert in different places.

Where does rhomboids attach?

  • Rhomboids Major – attaches on the spinous processes of vertebrae T2-T5
  • Rhomboids Minor – attaches on the spinous processes of vertebrae C7 and T1
  • Rhomboids Major – vertebral border (edge closest to the spine) from the root of the spine to the inferior angle (bottom of the scapula)
  • Rhomboids Minor – root of the spine of the scapula

What actions does rhomboids do?

  • retraction of the scapula – scapula moves toward spine
  • downward rotation – top of the scapula tilts down and forward

Postures Where The rhomboids Contracts

rhomboid retraction shalabasana
In this variation the shoulder blades are retracting toward the spine.

Postures Where The rhomboids Lengthens

rhomboids length
With the arms in Garudasana, the shoulder blades are pulled around the front of the body lengthening the rhomboids

Additional Images

Trigger Points
rhomboid trigger points

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