четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.

Простая мобилизация плечевого пояса от Цаплина Артёма Анатольевича

Видео с мастер-класса от преподавателей курса Амира Гумерова, прошедшего в Москве 22 февраля. Артём Анатольевич Цаплин демонстрирует пример применения остеопатической мобилизации всего плечевого пояса.
Цаплин Артём Анатольевич - остеопат, реабилитолог. В своей работе он применяет тканевой подход и остеопатические коррекции. Занимаясь мануальной терапией с 2003 года, Артём выработал технические методы восстановления тканевой подвижности, что приводит к восстановлению функций. По его мнению, организм система, способная к самовосстановлению. Задача мануального терапевта лишь подтолкнуть организм в правильном направлении - по пути здоровья и баланса.
Артём Анатольевич - преподаватель курса Амира Гумерова по массажу. Первы блок его практического мастер-класса "Остеопатические мобилизации в массаже", посвящён введению в тканевой подход и наработке практических навыков в мобилизации тканей. Под мобилизацией тканей понимается не только приведение к нормальному движению суставов, но и прочих тканей организма.
Курс Гумерова - серия мастер-классов по практическому применению массажа при восстановлении физического ресурса человека в тренировочном процессе или период реабилитации после травм.

Официальный сайт http://gumerov.pro


воскресенье, 22 февраля 2015 г.

How to Improve Overhead Mobility w/ T-Spine Drills – TechniqueWOD

By Mike McGoldrick

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Your parents have said it for years, and you probably hear it more often now than ever.
“Sit up straight, don’t slouch.”
Like many athletes I hardly ever listened, until I realized that poor posture severely limits performance. To be honest, if Mom would have said, “You’re ruining your thruster,” I probably would have listened.
Like anyone I spend a lot of time on my computer, especially when I have a day off from training. I sit tall as long as I can, but eventually my posture starts to give. I constantly fight it, trying to sit back up straight.

What’s the big deal?
Basically, spending an extended amount of time slouched over a computer with your head stuck forward will cause the muscles in the front of your shoulders to shorten, leading to a rounded upper back in time. This position will become very comfortable and it might turn into a default position, even if you’re training in proper position.
Falling into this kyphotic position can lead to a ton of issues throughout the rest of your body. For example, if you need to reach overhead or press something you’ll probably over extend at the lower back and press the hips forward to compensate for that lost range of motion. This position is a temporary fix, but it will likely lead to strain, wear and injury.
At best, you’ll never be able to perform the jerk correctly. That requires a vertical posture and flexible shoulders.
Here’s my suggestion. 
Any time you start to feel yourself creeping forward into that slouched position, go spend a few minutes on a roller or hang from a pull-up bar. Even if you stand while working, it’s still easy to round forward like a question mark.
Think of it like a challenge. The second you feel yourself fighting to hold things up right, go get on the roller. This habit will work wonders.
Here are a few quick take-aways from the video:
  • Check for a flat upper back before starting any work on your shoulder mobility.
  • Start simple with some extensions over a foam roller.
  • Using a “peanut” is going to be a bit more direct if you want to dig harder.
  • The muscles in the front of the shoulders and chest could be short and tight as well. So, spend some time loosening up the pecs.
I’ve found that changing up my mobility routine often helps me to be more likely to work on these issues. I recommend that you play around with your routine, varying it often. If you keep it interesting you’ll be more likely to do it.
It’s the habit that matters most.  

Again, there is no absolute right or wrong way to stretch. Just remember that it has taken time to mess things up, and it will take some time to gain strength in the new position. I can’t say how long it will take, but I know for sure that a couple of minutes a week is not going to be enough. Start with 2 minutes a day of stretching and adjust from there.
One final tip…You need good tools. 
You are more likely to work on that rounded back if you’re constantly seeing rollers, bands and balls lying around. If you have to look for it you just won’t do it. That’s actually why I started making mobility kits.
The easier and more convenient it is make to the right decision the more likely you are to succeed.
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Jack Up Your Power and Strength

With Snatch Squats

Jack Up Your Power and Strength
By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM
Lifting heavy is not for everyone, but it does have distinct advantages. A few months of lifting heavy can really pile on some serious strength, increase your bone density and improve your overall muscle and tendon tone and density. Moving heavy weights quickly will also greatly enhance your power. The adaptations that you will make in both upper and lower body with heavy lifting will translate into the ability to challenge your muscles to greater levels when you back off the loads for a more moderate period of training.
Snatch squats are a great way to meet these goals, as this exercise will induce a lower body explosion in strength, while improving the flexibility and strength in your shoulders and arms and strength.
Jack Up Your Power and Strength With Snatch Squats



The quadriceps is made from four thigh muscles.1 The vastus lateralis muscle covers the lateral part of the femur bone of the thigh. The vastus medialis muscle is anchored to the medial part of the femur. The vastus intermedius muscle is attached to the central, anterior part of the femur. The muscle fibers from these three vasti muscles attach to the quadriceps tendon. The rectus femoris begins on the hip bones at the iliac crest and above the hip joint and not on the femur.2 Its fibers extend to the patellar tendon along with the three vastus muscles to attach to the patella (knee cap) and continues to the tibia bone of the lower leg as the patellar ligament. Together, the three vasti and the rectus femoris extend (straighten) the leg at the knee by the squat component of snatch squats.
Jack Up Your Power and Strength With Snatch Squats


The gluteus maximus is the major hip extensor muscle1 and it is very active when you come up from the deep squat position. The fibers of the gluteus medius muscle run between the hip and the posterior part of the femur bone of the thigh. It abducts the femur at the hip joint by moving the femur laterally. The gluteus medius maintains balance during both up and down phases of the exercise.
Jack Up Your Power and Strength With Snatch Squats


The hamstring muscles (long head of the biceps femorissemimembranosus and semitendinosus) attach to the posterior sides of hip and pelvic bones1 and they run down the posterior side of the femur bone to attach on the medial (semitendinosussemimembranosus) or the lateral side (biceps femoris) of the tibia bone just below the knee. Together these muscles flex the knee, but when the foot is on the floor, the hamstrings extend (straighten) the hip joint, such as during the upward phase in snatch squats.


The three sections of the deltoid muscle are also activated with the weight overhead in snatch squats. The fibers from the deltoid muscle begin along the lateral part of the clavicle (anterior fibers), the middle part of the acromion of the scapula (medial fibers) and the spine of the scapula (posterior fibers) .1 The fibers in each of the three regions of the deltoid come together to attach to the humerus bone.
Jack Up Your Power and Strength With Snatch Squats


1. Put a bar on a squat rack and load it. Position the barbell behind the neck across the upper trapezius muscle as if you were going to do a back squat.
2. Grip the bar with a wide snatch grip. The palms should be pronated, with your hands almost to the inside collars and your elbows pointing out.4
3. Take two steps backwards to clear from the rack. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart, and turn your toes slightly outwards.
4. Tighten your back and abdominals and take a deep breath, then press the bar. With the wide snatch grip, push the bar up and slightly out or behind your head. The bar should end just behind the ears and over the head with the elbows locked out.
5. Make sure that you first have your balance, with the bar over your head and your feet flat on the floor. Squat down deeply, so that your hamstrings approach and almost touch the calves in the lowest position.4 Keep your chest and chin up and your back tight during the descent into the bottom position of the squat. You can control the weight by pushing up and out on the bar with your trapezius and arms.
6. From the lowest part of the squat, reverse the direction and drive upwards, again, keeping your chest up and back tight until standing fully upright.4
7. After standing erect and gaining control of the weight, take a few extra breaths and launch into the next repetition. Take a break after three repetitions and work up to three sets.


Keep the bar over your head in a line that is just behind the ears as you are squatting. If you begin to lose control of the bar, do not try to correct, as that could induce a shoulder injury, but simply step out of the way (forward) and drop the weight on the floor behind you.
Instead of racking the bar, you can perform a power snatch to lock the bar in the overhead position. This article does not have the space to fully describe this technique, so be sure that you understand the power snatch technique before attempting this.
  1. Moore, KL and AF Dalley. Clinically oriented Anatomy. Fourth edition. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Williams, 1999; 531-546.
  2. Waligora AC, Johanson NA, Hirsch BE. Clinical anatomy of the quadriceps femoris and extensor apparatus of the knee. Clin.Orthop.Relat.Res. 2009; 467: 3297-3306.
  3. Pacheco L, Balius R, Aliste L et al. The acute effects of different stretching exercises on jump performance. J Strength Cond Res 2011;25:2991-2998.
  4. Haff G, Whitley A, Potteiger J. A Brief Review: Explosive Exercises and Sports Performance. J Strength Cond Res 2001; 23: 13-30.
- See more at: http://fitnessrxformen.com/training/exercises/jack-up-your-power-and-strength/#sthash.WMDxzyF4.dpuf

Ключица является "ключиком" к шеи и голове...

Латинское название — clavicula, «ключик», как и русское название, основывается на своеобразном движении кости вокруг своей оси в момент поднятия плеча, которое напоминает движение ключа в замочной скважине.
Т.о. ключица является "ключиком" к шеи и голове...
Ключица выполняет несколько функций:
Она служит твёрдой опорой, на которой подвешиваются лопатка и свободная конечность. Этот механизм не подпускает верхнюю конечность (руку) к грудной клетке, так что рука имеет максимальный диапазон движения.
Защищает шейно-подмышечный канал (проход между шеей и рукой), через который проходят несколько важных структур.
Передаёт физические импульсы от верхней конечности к осевому скелету.
Ключица — первая кость, начинающая процесс окостенения в течение развития эмбриона, на протяжении 5 и 6 недель от зачатия. Однако она одна из последних костей, заканчивающих окостенение — примерно к 21-25 годам.
При неправильном положении ключиц, возникает ряд дисфункций.
Рассмотрим на примере грудино-ключично-сосцевидная мышцы.
Мышца начинается двумя головками: латеральной — от грудинного конца ключицы и медиальной — от передней поверхности рукоятки грудины.
При одностороннем сокращении мышца производит наклон в свою сторону шейного отдела позвоночного столба. Одновременно происходит поднятие головы с вращением лица в противоположную сторону.
При двустороннем сокращении удерживает голову в вертикальном положении. Также может происходить сгибание шейного отдела позвоночного столба с одновременным поднятием лица. При фиксировании головы возможно поднятие грудной клетки при дыхании (вспомогательная мышца вдоха).
Очень важным местом в отношениях между грудной областью и черепом является отверстие, в котором походят артерии, вены и лимфатические сосуды. Если этим структурам что-то мешает на уровне апоневрозов и фасций, которые соединяют грудино-ключично-сосцевидную мышцу с трапециевидной, то гемо и лимфодинамика нарушается. 
Тогда дренаж не выполняет своих функций. В случае остеопатического повреждения шейно-грудного отдела позвоночника, первого ребра и ключицы весь этот важный перекрёсток будет работать с нарушениями и не в полную силу.
С точки зрения метафизики:
Ключица - "ключик" в духовной символике. Духовная энергия поднимается от копчика, пронизывает позвоночник, подпитывается жизненными принципами и через вертекс (макушку) присоединяется к вселенской энергии.
Ключицы - маленькие ключики, которые помогают интегрировать духовную составляющую живой материи и трансформировать телесную энергию в интеллектуальную, а затем в духовную энергию. Люди, испытывающие духовные проблемы часто имеют дисфункции седьмого шейного позвонка и плечевого пояса, могут даже случаться переломы ключиц.

Жалобы при болях отдельных позвонков и что это означает


Жалобы при болях отдельных позвонков и что это означает
- Первый шейный позвонок (С 1, атлант): Головные боли, мигрень, ослабление памяти, хроническая усталость, головокружение, артериальная гипертензия, недостаточность мозгового кровообращения.
- Второй шейный позвонок (С 2, осевой позвонок)   Воспалительные и застойные явления в придаточных пазухах носа, боли в области глаз, ослабление слуха, боли в ушах.
- Третий шейный позвонок (С З)  
Лицевые невралгии, шум, свист в ушах, угри и прыщи на коже лица, зубная боль, кариес, кровоточивость десен.
- Четвертый шейный позвонок (С 4)   Хронический ринит, ослабление слуха, трещины в области губ, судорги мышц оральной области.
- Пятый шейный позвонок (С 5)   Хриплый голос, боли в горле, хронический фарингит.
- Шестой шейный позвонок (С 6)   Хронический тонзиллит, напряжение мышц и боли в области затылка, боли в верхней части рук, увеличение щитовидной железы.
- Седьмой шейный позвонок (С 7)    Заболевания щитовидной железы, простуда, заболевания плечевого
сустава, депрессии, страхи.
- Первый грудной позвонок(Тh 1)    Напряжение мышц затылка, боли в плечах, в предплечье и кисти,
чувство онемения в пальцах рук.
- Второй грудной позвонок(Тh 2)    Кардиалгии, нарушения сердечного ритма, страхи.
- Третий грудной позвонок(Тh З)    Боли в области грудной клетки, кашель, бронхит, астма, плевро-пневмония, различные нарушения дыхания.
- Четвертый грудной позвонок (Th 4)    Дискинезия желчевыводящих путей, желчный конкремент, желтуха, боли в правой боковой части головы и правого плеча.
- Пятый грудной позвонок(Тh 5)    Боли в области печени, артериальная гипотония, малокровие,
хроническая усталость, недостаточность кровообращения, артриты.
- Шестой грудной позвонок (Th 6)    Изжога, различная патология желудочно-кишечного тракта, сахарный диабет.
- Седьмой грудной позвонок(Тh 7)    Тошнота, изжога, икота, недостаток «жизненной энергии», чувство слабости, язва двенадцатиперстной кишки, заболевания желудка.
- Восьмой грудной позвонок(Тh В)    Нарушения функции селезенки, ослабление защитных сил организма, иммунодефицит.
- Девятый грудной позвонок (Th 9)    Аллергии, крапивница.
- Десятый грудной позвонок (Th 10)    Различные заболевания почек, нарушение солевого обмена, кальциноз артерий, хроническая усталость.
- Одиннадцатый грудной позвонок (Th 11)    Кожные заболевания: угри, прыщи, экзема, фурункулы, шершавость кожи, псориаз и Т.П.
- Двенадцатый ГРУДНОЙ позвонок(Тh 12)    Метеоризм, ревматизм, нарушения роста, бесплодие.
- Первый поясничный позвонок (L 1)    Запоры, понос и Т.д., вялость кишечника, различная патология
толстой кишки.
- Второй поясничный позвонок (L 2)    Спазмы в животе, вздутие кишечника, проблемы со слепой кишкой, варикозное расширение вен.
- Третий поясничный позвонок(L З)    Нарушения менструального цикла, патология беременности, патология переходного возраста, заболевания мочевого пузыря, боли в коленях (часто вместе с мочевым пузырем), импотенция, ночное недержание мочи.
- Четвертый поясничный позвонок(L 4)    Ишиас, поясничный прострел, патология предстательной железы, болезненное или частое мочеиспускание.
- Пятый поясничный позвонок(L 5)    Нарушения кровообращения в голенях и ступнях, холодные ноги,
судороги в икрах, отечность ног и ступней.
- Крестец          Ишиас, проблемы в области малого таза, хронический запор, боли в ногах и ступнях.

High-Pull for the Power Look

by Christian Thibaudeau

High-Pull for the Power Look

Here's what you need to know...

• The snatch-grip high pull, performed correctly, can begin improving your physique in only two workouts.
• This explosive lift hits all the "power look" muscles at once: mid-back, rhomboids, rear delts and traps. It also builds the posterior chain.

One Lift to Rule Them All

I've devoted my life to building muscle – on myself and on others – for 17 years. And in all those years I've only encountered one exercise that can make a visual difference in a physique within two workouts. That's right, you'll start to look more brutal and more powerful in as few as two sessions.
That movement is the snatch-grip high pull, and I believe it can give anyone a "3D" look and make them stretch out a T-shirt.

Power-Look Muscles

The high pull hits your mid-back, rhomboids, and rear delts. And nothing will build boulder traps like high pulls! As a bonus, the high pull will hit the whole posterior chain: hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.
I'm telling you, my delts and traps have always been my best body parts, but snatch-grip high pulls have given them a totally different look. They've widened my delts and added thickness to my traps.

Snatch-Grip High Pull Technique

Using a wide snatch grip on the bar, yank the bar up and keep it close to your body. Your elbows should be higher than the bar and aimed 45 degrees back.
I can't emphasize strongly enough that this movement should be done explosively. Pretend you have just walked into the room and the weight is on top of your puppy dog. Pull with violence! Blast it off!
Let the bar fall quickly back to the starting position, too. Don't try to lower it slowly. Again, remember that this is an explosive Olympic lift variation.
Keep in mind, though, that this is not just an upright row done with body English! Pay particular attention to the arm angle in the video.

Important Notes

  • Even though it's an explosive movement, the most important portion of the high pull is the starting position.
A proper starting position can actually make as much as a 40-pound difference in your lift. It's crucial that you pull the shoulder blades together and then "roll" the chest up as high as possible. That will turn the whole upper back into a solid base from which to explode.
And while the upper back is tight as can be, the arms should remain as loose as possible: Tight back + loose arms = highest power transfer possible.
  • Lift the bar toward your neck. To do so, use a powerful posterior chain pull to create a lot of momentum at the start of the movement. Once the lower back is approaching full extension, aggressively pull the bar toward your neck – up and towards you – keeping the elbows higher than the bar.
I only make reference to the neck to help you understand that you need to keep the bar close to your body. Don't pay attention to the actual height. While a lift must reach at least nipple line to qualify as a high pull, focusing on the end position instead of the powerful launch will undoubtedly lead to using your arms to pull instead of using the lower body power to drive the weight up.

How Many Reps?

I've used higher-rep sets of O-lifts and their variations in the past with female clients, but with men I don't go above 6 reps. Most of the time, "high reps" with the Olympic lifts equals 4 or 5.
Why higher reps with women and not men? In my experience, women can maintain the same level of intensity and quality for a greater number of reps. Men simply suffer technique breakdown when they exceed 6 reps.

From the Hang or From Blocks?

High-Pull for the Power Look
Both methods have their advantages. I prefer the hang strictly for muscle-building purposes and body composition changes, especially if you can get into a rhythm and refrain from stopping between reps. That way, the muscles stay under load for the duration of the set.
Pulls from blocks build explosiveness a bit better and allow you to set up properly for each rep, which is a benefit if you're just learning the movement.
Stick to the variation that's easiest for you. The less you have to worry about technique, the more you can focus on proper muscle loading. No matter which method you choose, lifts from the hang or blocks above the knees are much simpler than lifts from the floor.

When to Do the High Pull?

High pulls can actually fit into any training day since they not only hit the traps, rhomboids, rear delts, and mid-back, but also the posterior chain. I personally use pulls from the hang on back day and pulls from blocks on lower body days.
The important thing, however, is just that you do them!

Five Exercises You Should Stop Doing... Forever!

by Clay Hyght, DC |

When we talk about exercise selection, we typically talk about exercises you shoulddo, but that's not enough. We must also address the other, equally important side of the coin: exercises you should NOT do!
Think about it, you can be doing all the right exercises, but if you're doing even one exercise that you shouldn't – because it's ineffective or unsafe – your results are going to suffer. At best, a bad exercise wastes your recuperative ability.
Far worse, poor exercise selection can lead to injuries which force you to take time away from the gym. In case you didn't get the memo, you can't make physique and performance progress when you're at home nursing an injury.
Here are five exercises you should drop like a bad habit... right now!

1. Behind-the-Neck Shoulder Press

Quick question: Would you jump off the roof of your house to activate the maximum number of motor units in your quads? I'm going to assume the answer is no.
Although you'd likely achieve more quad recruitment with roof-jumping than with anything you've ever done, it wouldn't really matter. You'd be too occupied with things like a) crying like a schoolgirl, b) calling 911, and c) looking for your kneecaps to be able to enjoy the awesome depth jump you just did.
Along the same lines, there's no doubt that behind-the-neck presses are good at stimulating the deltoids, specifically the anterior delts. But just because an exercise is good for your musclesdoesn't necessarily mean it's good for your joints.
The main problem with behind-the-neck presses is that the movement has to be done with the shoulders in extreme external andhorizontal abduction. In other words, you're required to do the movement at the very end range of motion for the shoulder joint.
Although it's normally safe to take your shoulder to its end range of motion if you're in the club "raising the roof," it becomes farless safe when you do rep after rep, set after set, with a loaded barbell in your hands.
While it's true that the shoulder joint (aka: glenohumeral) is the most mobile joint in the body, it's also the most unstable. So, just because you can actually get a barbell behind your head doesn't mean that you should do repeated movements, against a load no less, in that same position.
It's much, muchsafer to press overhead with the humerus moving in the scapular plane, which is about 30° forward of the frontal plane.
To find the scapular plane, raise your arms straight out to the sides (in the frontal plane) until they're parallel to the ground (as in the top position of a lateral raise). Now bring your arms forward about 30°. Your humerus is now in the plane of your scapula. This is the position your upper arms should be in when you do overhead presses.
Sure, there are some people who can do behind-the-neck barbell presses for years and never have a shoulder problem. Likewise, there are people who can smoke cigarettes for decades and never get lung cancer. But in both cases, you're gambling... and with odds that are not in your favor.

2. Barbell Upright Rows

You should never do barbell upright rows. Period.
As with behind-the-neck presses, barbell upright rows do a good job of stimulating muscles (upper traps and medial delts). Unfortunately, they also do a good job of causing or aggravating shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS).
Shoulder impingement occurs when the tendon of the supraspinatus (a rotator cuff muscle) gets inflamed as a result of being repeatedly pressed against the bony acromion above it.
To test for impingement syndrome, doctors place the shoulder in positions that impinge, or pinch, the supraspinatus tendon. Then, if the patient demonstrates pain, the doctor has a good idea that there's some inflammation involved.
Neer's Test is one of the main orthopedic tests used for SIS. Here's how to do it: Forcefully elevate an internally-rotated arm in the scapular plane, causing the supraspinatus tendon to impinge against the anterior inferior acromion. In case you're unfamiliar with the motions described with Neer's Test, it's essentially the same motion as barbell upright rows.
Did you get that? The movement that doctors use to intentionallyimpinge the supraspinatus is basically the exact same motion as the barbell upright row!
Hopefully, a bell went off in your head: "Hmm, maybe upright rows aren't good for my shoulders."
For those of you who are going to do upright rows anyway, at least use dumbbells that allow you to widen your grip as you come up. This will be less insulting to your shoulders than the standard narrow-grip version done with a barbell.

3. Shrugs with Shoulder Roll

Back when Michael J. Fox was joyriding in a DeLorean in Back to The Future, it seemed that everyone who did shrugs did them with a roll, either rolling their shoulders forward or backward after each vertical shrug. Sadly, I still see some people doing this, so let's set the record straight.
We do shrugs to build our upper traps, right? Well, the primary function of your upper traps is to shrug or elevate your shoulders. So it makes sense: shrugging upward against resistance builds your upper traps. We're good so far, but now let's look at the rolling component of "rolling shrugs."
Once you're in the top position of a shrug, rolling your shoulders forward from that point actually moves the line of force anterior to and away from the upper traps, just the opposite of what you want to do.
So not only does rolling your shoulders forward during shrugs fail to work better, it's actually worse. The only thing forward-rolling shrugs do for you is let everyone around you know that you have no idea what you're doing in the gym.
If you insist on doing your part to keep rolling shrugs in style, at least roll your shoulders backward when you do them. That way you can say you do it to give your scapular retractors (rhomboids, middle, and lower traps) a little extra work. No, it doesn't work them well at all since the resistance is going down and your retractors pull back, but hey, at least it's something.

4. Twisting Sit-ups

Many people do twisting sit-ups to target both the rectus abdominus (abs) and the obliques at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone? Makes perfect sense, but there's a problem.
When you do a sit-up – or a full crunch where your lower back doesn't stay flat on the ground – your lumbar spine rounds forward, which is called flexion. The problem is, spinal flexion puts a lot of pressure on the intervertebral discs.
But there's one specific motion that's farmore dangerous to discs than flexion: flexion combined with rotation. Unfortunately, that's the exact motion you're doing when you do sit-ups with a twist.
Flexion with rotation pushes the nucleus pulposus – the jellylike center – of the disc posterolateral (back and to the side), which is precisely where discs tend to herniate.
Unless you actually want a herniated disc – and experience the numbness, tingling, and excruciating pain that goes with it – avoid sit-ups with a twist, or anyspinal flexion combined with rotation.

5. Stiff-Legged Deadlifts with a Rounded Back

As I mentioned above, spinal flexion (rounding your lower back) really puts a lot of undue stress on the nucleus pulposus of the discs. In addition to flexion with rotation, there's yet another type of stress that's even worse than flexion alone: flexion with compression.
Flexion with compression could also be stated as flexion under load. For example: doing a barbell stiff-legged deadlift with a rounded back. (Just picturing that as I type it makes me cringe!)
It's one thing to round your back while you're bending over to touch your toes, but it's a far more dangerous situation when you do that with added resistance! The compressive forces of the weight exponentially increase the force placed on those poor, poor discs of yours.
Doing a stiff-legged deadlift with a rounded back is basically askingfor a herniated disc!
And don't think just because you've done that before and didn't herniate a disc that you never will. Disc herniations are essentially repetitive-use injuries that occur gradually over time. That's why it's so important to protect your lower back from the very beginning of your training career.
Besides stiff-legged deadlifts, people tend to round their backs on squats, bent-over rows, and low-cable rows. No matter the exercise, make sure to keep your back flat during every movement, especially if there's added resistance involved.

Stimulate... Safely

Remember, an exercise that may be good for your musclesmay be damaging to your joints. The above five exercises have no place in your routine if you have long-term results in mind!

суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

How to Do the Perfect Push Press

by Eric Auciello |

Here's what you need to know...
  • The push press develops a strong and stable trunk while highlighting gross deficiencies in mobility.
  • The push press is a great way to train heavy loads overhead in a strength-endurance format.
  • Unlike the press, the push press requires the upper arms to be parallel to the floor, similar to the arm position used in a front squat.
  • Maintaining a stacked spinal column while exhibiting force throughout the lift is best achieved by taking a wide stance.
  • The dip-drive phase isn't a one-fourth squat. It's a shallow and violent redirection of energy from your body to the barbell.

The Perfect Push Press

When it comes to lifting a barbell overhead, there are several options to choose from, from the simple shoulder press for hypertrophy to the technically complex jerk. But somewhere in the middle of that complexity spectrum lies a lift everyone should be doing: the push press.

Push Press Pros

From a physical standpoint, the push press helps to develop a strong and stable trunk while also highlighting gross deficiencies in mobility. It's also a good way to train relatively heavy loads overhead in a strength-endurance format. The lift's dynamic nature and its recruitment of the lower body and trunk make it a great way to push heavy rep schemes up past 15 reps.

Push Press Cons

The push press offers a less than optimal eccentric or negative phase, which somewhat limits its ability to increase overall muscle mass.
Some lifters also use the push press as a metabolic conditioning tool. This is a bit misguided. The lift is fairly complex and it might cause injury when done incorrectly in a depleted and hypoxic state.

Training Cues

1. Grip. The grip width for the push press should be just outside the shoulders. If you have large biceps or a tough time externally rotating your shoulder, try a wider grip.
Now, some lifters start their push press with the same rack position used for a standing shoulder press. This positioning is patently incorrect since it places the body at a mechanical disadvantage while increasing the potential for a shoulder injury.
Unlike the press, the push press requires the upper arm to be parallel to the floor, similar to the position used in a front squat. The wrist will be slightly cocked with the barbell well gripped. With that said, some athletes with poor shoulder and thoracic spine mobility may need to let the barbell roll to the tips of the fingers in order to get in a solid lifting position.
2. Prepare to Dip. The push press, unlike the press, uses the lower body and trunk dynamically to get the barbell overhead. This requires us to focus on the set-up a bit differently than the press.
The goal with any dynamic overhead movements is to maintain a stacked spinal column while exhibiting force throughout the lift. This is best achieved by taking a wide stance with the feet slightly-externally rotated (toes out a bit). Although it varies from person to person, most should take a stance similar to their front squat.
Many lifters have difficulty with this because a narrow stance often feels more powerful. However, unless you have outstanding ankle flexibility, it's difficult to prevent the torso from shooting forward in the drive phase of the lift with a narrow stance. It's also difficult to wind up and subsequently release the stored energy through the stretch-shortening cycle of the hip while employing a narrow stance.

Related:  More info on the push press

It's important to remember that the dip-drive phase isn't a one-fourth squat. It's a shallow and violent redirection of energy from your body to the barbell, a lot like the split second before impact while tackling someone in football.
3. The Dip. Always take a large belly breath and hold it prior to the dip and drive. This will help protect the lower back and also help you to transfer energy from the legs through the trunk to the barbell.
When starting the dip, slightly flex at the knees while pushing them out like you would in a squat. This movement should occur quickly. Remember, it's a shallow and violent movement. The push press relies heavily on the tension of your musculature in order to generate force. If this phase looks slow and sluggish then you're doing it wrong.
4. The Drive. The drive phase is simply a redirection of force. This action is largely dependent upon creating tense musculature throughout the legs and trunk while quickly extending the knees, ankles, and hip. Drive through the heels during this step! You may ultimately end up on the forefoot or toes, but that should be a symptom of natural kinesthetics, not a contrived effort.
5. Putting it Overhead. Once you initiate the drive, the barbell should hop upwards with some zip. It'll become weightless for a split second before reaching its apogee. Unlike the jerk, this is where we need to use the upper body to finish the lift.
During the weightless phase, you need to finish the lift by rotating the arms into a position similar to that of the press. The forearm becomes upright and the wrist rotates into alignment with the forearm. At this point, tightly grip the bar and press it directly overhead.
Once the bar is locked out and your feet are flat and stable, you can lower the barbell back to the original rack position. During this phase, it's important to absorb the weight of the bar by flexing at the knee and hip as the load descends to the shoulders.
Here's Christian Thibaudeau with a quick overview.

A Pathway to Olympic Lifting

The push press is a very specific training tool that may not match up with every lifter's needs. Like some things in the strength and conditioning world, this lift has a very specific purpose and user outcome will be dictated by how this tool is used in training.
More times than not, the push press acts as a "gateway drug" that enables the lifter to get involved in the sport of Olympic weightlifting. Give yourself a month or two with the push press and see where it leads you. Who knows, maybe deep down you're an Olympic weightlifter after all.