пятница, 1 мая 2015 г.

The Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

Latissimus Dorsi – The Swimmer’s Muscle

What does latissimus dorsi mean?

The name of this muscle describes its size and location.
Latissimus comes from the Latin word “latus” meaning wide and dorsi comes from the Latin word “dorsum” meaning back.

Where does latissimus attach?

  • thoracolumbar aponeurosis (fancy way of saying a common tendinous sheath). It connects the attachments to the areas below with the exception of the inferior angle of the scapula.
  • T7-L5 – on the spinous processes (the parts that stick out that we can feel on our back).
  • sacrum
  • crest of the ilium (top back portion of the pelvis)
  • inferior (bottom) angle of the scapula

  • bicipetal groove – A divot in the bone that the biceps tendon lays in.

What actions does latissimus do?

  • medial (internal) rotation of the shoulder joint
  • extension of the shoulder joint
  • adduction of the shoulder joint
  • depression of the scapula

Assists these actions
  • lateral flexion of the trunk
  • extension of the spine

Postures Where The Latissimus Dorsi Contracts

latissimus in adduction
Lattisimus contracts to bring the upper arms toward the body in adduction.

latissimus stabilizing shoudler
Latissimus helps stabilize the shoulder in Bakasana

Postures Where The Latissimus Dorsi Lengthens

latissimus lengthened
Latissimus is lengthened with the arms abducted and flexed.

Additional Images

Trigger points from in the latissimus muscle.

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